Digital Marketing

Driving measurable results, one click at a time!


Digital marketing strategy constantly evolves to meet buyer preferences. Companies want to be seen as relevant, timely, and accessible to multiple core audiences; fortunately, technology is enabling stronger communications than ever before. Organizations that adopt digital marketing strategies are often more strategic, proactive, and can anticipate customer requirements in ways that traditional marketing strategies cannot. This delivers a sizable competitive advantage over other companies operating in your sector.

Working with a digital marketing agency like MoreSALES can help you tap into leading technologies that better attract prospects, convert them into leads, and delight them as customers.

With online marketing services such as website design, search engine marketing, email and marketing automation, inbound marketing and digital marketing, we cover all major elements of digital with a strategic focus. As marketing consultants we work with your team to identify top marketing initiatives and then develop and execute a plan that fits your growth goals.

MoreSALES’ Digital Marketing Agency Approach

When trusting your digital marketing strategy to an agency, it’s critical that they have the skills and experience to deliver great results. While some marketing agencies only offer a couple varied services, MoreSALES’ team oversees each component of your integrated digital marketing strategy. This includes:

Website Design

Your website is often the first impression prospects have of your business. Ensure they understand the value your products and services provide through a well-designed and developed website that’s focused on user experience (UX). Websites should be crafted for your audience with a focus on generating new visits through search engine optimization.

Contact MoreSALES to re-vamp your website to drive revenues through:

  • Current & Contemporary Design: If your website doesn’t have current information, a contemporary look and feel, and isn’t mobile-friendly or responsive, then any new business initiative will result in a disconnect between the calibre of your offerings and the way they are presented online.
  • Powered by WordPress: Our designers program new WordPress-based websites that take advantage of modern web tools such as quick link “widgets” for quote requests and order tracking. We also incorporate and add functionality such as “2-click” navigation, video, and a clean interface to keep prospects and customers interested and connected.
  • Responsive Design: With over 60% of searches performed on mobile devices, Google favours sites that are mobile-friendly or “responsive” and tags your site as either mobile- or non-mobile-friendly in search results. If you aren’t mobile-friendly or responsive, you are missing out on potential sales.
  • E-Commerce: Need an online storefront? We can help setup your online store and customize to suit your product line or services. Training is also available to enable your team to keep your e-commerce content up-to-date.
  • Analytics, Insights and Reporting: Driving results requires powerful campaign measurement tracking tools and the expertise to understand and interpret the data. We use Google Analytics alongside other industry-leading tools to track progress towards KPIs and use these success measures when starting, stopping, or changing the course of digital campaigns. Not only does this help measure ROI, but it also provides a baseline for future marketing and sales growth.

Search Marketing

Organic “search” traffic is the most reliable and cost-effective way to build sustainable results online. Optimizing website content for searchers and building effective search engine marketing (SEM) are two common ways to look at this area, however the growing effectiveness of local search marketing cannot be overlooked.

Contact MoreSALES to help more high-quality leads find your online content through:

Search Marketing Agency Services
  • Search Engine Optimization: Improve rankings and boost your web presence by uncovering keywords and phrases customers are typing when searching for companies, products and services like yours. Our services include keyword research, recommendations, content updates and submission of site maps/URLs to major search engines including Google, Bing and Yahoo.
  • Search Engine Marketing: Search Engine Marketing (paid search or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising) can target a wide audience on a small budget in text, video or display ads. Our services include ad development (e.g. Google AdWords), campaign setup, landing page development, monitoring and optimization.
  • Local Search: Often overlooked, Google My Business is an essential component of any local search marketing campaign. Without it, you won’t appear on local map listings in search results for local queries. Our services include listing verification, content updates, regular posts and review management.

Email and Marketing Automation

Email marketing is a highly effective way to nurture leads and ensure your brand is top-of-mind. While companies are beginning to embrace email marketing with newsletters, e-blasts, and other timely communications, few understand the true power these engagements offer. Marketing automation is a great way to supercharge your email marketing; it lets your company instantly reach out to leads and clients based on their actions to give them more timely interaction.

Contact MoreSALES to champion the email and marketing automation process through:

Email Marketing Agency Services
  • Email Marketing: For ongoing customer and prospect engagement, email marketing campaigns are effective and highly measurable. Campaigns are deployed via our marketing automation platform SharpSpring or your existing platform. Our services include email template design, list management, content development, email setup, A/B testing and campaign reporting.
  • Marketing Automation: Track visitors, automate responses, create email drip nurture campaigns, schedule content, and more – all from the SharpSpring marketing automation platform. Our services include system setup, contact list uploads, email and campaign set up, forms and auto-response, lead scoring, and reporting.
  • Sales CRM: Manage leads and your pipeline more effectively with our built-in customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Our tools include call tracking, email sync, sales notifications, pipeline management and a mobile app.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound (also known as “pull”) marketing is a growing trend online that takes an educational content-first approach to generating interest in your products and services. Inbound marketing recognizes the buyer’s journey, a concept that segments your audience into “awareness,” “decision” and “consideration” phases of sales readiness.

Contact MoreSALES to tailor your message to each of these segments through:

Inbound Marketing Agency Services
  • Content Development: By aligning content you publish with your customer’s interests, you naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert, close, and delight over time. Our services include development of blogs, website content optimization (SEO), custom landing pages, infographics, whitepapers and video.
  • Social Media: Great content attracts attention and encourages sharing across social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube). Our services include editorial calendars, post copywriting, social campaign development, paid social advertising, social selling training, campaign reporting.
  • Search Engine Marketing and Optimization: Boost visibility of your content via search marketing (SEO and SEM). We’ll promote high value content via new or existing search campaigns to broaden awareness and attract new customers. Our services include ad development, campaign set up, monitoring and optimization.

Video Marketing

In a digital age where it’s difficult to be seen and heard online, video is a great method to help get your business’ message across. Video marketing can be used across your website, social media, and even live events – these are all opportunities to attract, convert, and delight companies into doing business with you.

Contact MoreSALES to tap into the world of video marketing with:

Video Marketing Agency Services
  • Video Production: From simple mobile phone video to formal video shoots, we create powerful video content for clients. Videos include explainer videos, testimonials, facility tours and product demos. Our services include pre-production (scripting, story-boarding, scheduling, logistics), production (art direction, filming) and post-production (content selection and editing).
  • Video Campaigns: We help you get the most from your video content: embedding video in emails to boost open rates, gating content to specific audiences (e.g. internal training videos) or creating integrated paid marketing campaigns via LinkedIn and YouTube. Our services include email video campaigns, setup/integration with marketing automation (gated video), paid media ad development and execution.
  • Analytics Beyond Viewer Count: Our hosting platform WISTIA lets you discover who’s watching, how much they watched, and which videos provide the most value to your business. Focus on more effective and targeted content to boost traffic and interactions. Send this data to your Marketing Automation CRM to score leads, measure assisted conversion, or track playback for groups of users.
  • Avoiding the YouTube “Rabbit Hole”: How many times you have been on YouTube and wandered down the “rabbit hole” looking at videos completely unrelated to why you landed there? YouTube should be used strategically, as part of a wider video marketing and SEO strategy. For content posted on your website, we host your videos through services like WISTIA. This improves the likelihood that viewers will take action on what they watched and continue through your sales funnel. It can also be custom branded to match your website while feeding data back to marketing automation platforms.

Top Digital Marketing Resources

Why Choose MoreSALES as Your Digital Marketing Agency?

With over 200 years of combined digital marketing experience, our team has the knowledge and tools needed to amplify your online success. We advocate for digital transformation and can help simplify the process so that you clearly see return on investment. We also provide timely support so that if you have a question, you’ll get a thoughtful reply and never be left in the dark wondering, “what’s next?”

To discuss your business’ unique growth opportunities and learn how a digital marketing agency can help, please contact MoreSALES.

Additional Digital Marketing Resources

Contact MoreSALES to Drive Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Let’s get started! To consult our traditional agency about digital lead generation and nurturing strategies, just send us a message here. We’ll respond within one business day and make ourselves available to answer any questions you have. Don’t hesitate to reach out – we love hearing from all business leaders!

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