Brand Identity

Your brand is your customer promise.

Brands need to convey professionalism and trustworthiness

In the age of digital transparency, your company must convey professionalism and trustworthiness. While branding is a critical component of marketing success, many businesses simply aren’t aware of how their brand is perceived by prospects and customers. Does it help them feel more connected to your company, or does it make them confused? The messaging and imagery your business uses are crucial elements that communicate who you are and how you help.

Working with a branding agency like MoreSALES can help establish and generate more awareness for your brand. This enhances competitive positioning and promotes innovative offerings that prospective customers will align with.

With brand marketing services such as corporate identity development, support for product launches and content/creative design, we cover all areas necessary to ensure your brand is consistently well received. As marketing consultants we work with your team to identify top marketing initiatives and then develop and execute a plan that fits your growth goals.

MoreSALES’ Agency Approach to Branding and Brand Awareness

When trusting your branding and corporate identity to an agency, it’s critical that they have the skills and experience to deliver great results. While some marketing agencies only offer a couple varied services, MoreSALES’ team oversees each component of your integrated marketing strategy to ensure your brand standards are followed at all times. This includes:

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity helps to be respected and remembered. When done well, prospects and customers will better understand your company and feel a sense of trust, ultimately providing intangible value that increases their loyalty. By using marketing and sales design best-practices, your company can weave strong branding into everything that it does. This leads to more informed, engaged customers.

Contact MoreSALES to help your team with:

Corporate Identity Branding Agency
  • Brand Revitalization: Like people, brands have a personality that evolves over time. Your brand should be consistent, yet fluid enough to respond to changes to your products and services, or competitors operating in your space. Understand why customers choose your business over competitors, and focus on this as your unique selling proposition (USP). Our team can help identify the differentiators your business and discuss ways to emphasize these benefits.
  • Logo Design: As the graphical depiction of what your business stands for, logos are one of the most critical elements of branding. Ensure that everything conveys the right message – colours, shapes, and other design elements need to be just right to strike a memorable tone with your target audience. Our team merges design expertise and effective marketing strategy to develop logos that are visually stunning and build awareness in your products or services.
  • Positioning Statement (Slogan) Development: Often used in combination with company logos, positioning statements help provide context to what your business sees as being its key differentiator. In a few words, you need to summarize what sets you apart from competitors and drive home the benefit of it. This is especially important for companies with non-descriptive names where potential customers could become confused without a slogan or positioning statement. Our team can help identify key differentiators and break them down into easily-digestible slogans for use across a wide range of marketing and sales collateral.
  • Collateral and Digital Asset Updating: As branding and design standards change, many of the resources your business uses to communicate with prospects and customers must be updated too. Don’t settle for old assets that no longer provide the right look or feel for your company – always update and bring them to modern standards. Our team can help identify resources in need of updates, then revise that collateral ensuring your newest brand standards are meticulously followed.

Product Launches

Beyond your entire company, consider how branding can be applied to individual product lines or services offered. Each time your company expands into new revenue streams or enhances existing ones to target a new audience, you need to evaluate how your messaging and imagery supports it. In most cases, new products or services should blend into the existing branding framework with a couple small adjustments as needed.

Contact MoreSALES to help your team with:

Product Branding Agency
  • Product Naming and Branding: The success of new products or services can often rely on marketing and branding. Ensure your new revenue streams are well-positioned by consulting internal and external stakeholders about branding elements such as naming to ensure it’s well received. Our team can help provide this feedback by either consulting your company on names its developed internally, or proposing names that are likely to be well-received by your audience.
  • Digital and Traditional Asset Development: When launching new products or services, your business needs to invest in marketing assets that educate your target audience. Through both traditional and digital mediums, you need to spread the word about your new solution in ways that your audience will easily understand. Our team can use your branding principles to develop a wide range of marketing and sales resources so that new revenue streams grow quickly after launch.
  • Communications Strategy: When marketing your new product or service, ensure your assets reach their intended audience. Choosing a well-targeted audience and engaging them through the right methods is essential to building demand. Consider using a mix of email marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, video marketing and other tools to engage those who have the greatest need for your innovation. Our team considers a wide range of communications to launch new products or services and can ensure you deploy an integrated strategy that succeeds.
  • Product Photography/Videography: Visuals can help generate interest and excitement in your new products or services in ways text-based communications never can. High-quality photos and videos will help attract attention to your announcements across digital and traditional mediums, making them one of the most effective ways to support new revenue streams. Our team can help plan and deliver photography and videography sessions, resulting in impactful, memorable visuals.

Content and Creative Design

To generate new leads through digital channels, your business needs to produce content at scale. All content created, whether its blogs, downloadable resources like whitepapers, videos or social media posts, need to be on-brand. Creating off-brand marketing content for digital channels can have immediate repercussions like unsubscribes, unfollows, and a general loss of trust. As such, your business needs to maintain a plan that supports on-brand content every time.

Contact MoreSALES to help your team with:

Content Creative Design Agency
  • Content Template Design: Many teams have the ability to create content internally, but need templates and systems to consistently produce on-brand resources. Our team understands content best-practices and can prepare time-saving templates that enable a range of employees to collaborate on content while remaining committed brand standards.
  • Research and Copywriting: Don’t have the time or ability to create resources internally? Our team of content marketing professionals understand what it takes to develop resources that a wide range of prospects and leads love. Offload the process of creating articles, social media posts and downloadable content to us and watch your new leads flow in!
  • Content and Editorial Calendars: When it comes to developing articles for your website or sending out timely lead nurturing emails, follow an achievable cadence. Content cadence depends on how often your audience wants to hear from you, but should generally be no less than once per month. Our team can help identify what content to create, when to create/post/send it, and keep your team accountable to the process so that you’re top-of-mind when prospects and customers need your solution.
  • SEO Keyword Integration: When creating content, consider how branded keywords and other high-importance keywords are used. There are certain terms your audience may expect to find you by when using search engines, so know what those terms are and implement a plan for how to be found by them. Our team can perform SEO analyses that determine your top opportunities to be found and provide content on certain topics, which further bolsters your branding and helps generate new leads.

Top Branding and Corporate Identity Resources

Why Choose MoreSALES as Your Branding Agency?

With over 200 years of combined branding experience, our team has the knowledge and resources to create a compelling look and feel for your company. We understand how to successfully integrate your branding into digital and traditional marketing or sales resources. We also provide timely support so that if you have a question, you’ll get a thoughtful reply and never be left in the dark wondering, “What’s next?”

Our approach to branding and messaging is that relationships must be established based on trust. When trust is high things happen faster and cost less to create. That’s why the faster you can establish trust with a prospective customer the quicker they will be to advocate on your behalf and buy more from you.

Competency and character must be proven as early in the relationship as possible but in a way that is consistent. Your messaging must be simple, clear and concise so that people will read it and easily understand it. People follow clarity over experience. So, don’t overwhelm a prospect… just tell them why they should start a conversation with you. What you do (clarity) and who you have done it for (alignment and trust transference) and finally, why you’re better in real terms (character) than the competition and you’ll be well on your way.

To discuss your business’ unique growth opportunities and learn how a branding agency can help, please contact MoreSALES.

Additional Branding Resources

Contact MoreSALES to Grow Your Brand

Let’s get started! To consult our agency about corporate identity and branding strategies, just send us a message here. We’ll respond within one business day and make ourselves available to answer any questions you have. Don’t hesitate to reach out – we love hearing from all business leaders!

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