Landscape Plus: Website and Content Marketing

In recent years, the team at Landscape Plus recognized the need for a redesigned website as “it was something we were lacking and were way behind on,” Trevor admits. “We hadn’t spent much money on a high-quality website, and we felt it was worth the investment.” Eventually, as fate would have it, members of the MoreSALES team as well as the Landscape Plus team were in attendance at a leadership development program where they were able to connect—and recognize the synergies between the two companies’ approach to service satisfaction.

But Landscape Plus knew expanding their digital footprint was a serious undertaking, and it was worth their time to properly vet potential digital marketing agency candidates. “We interviewed three companies, and it was between MoreSALES and a much larger agency.” In the end, Trevor says, it was MoreSALES that won their business, “as we valued the opportunity to work directly with the owner, Mike, and his team.” Trevor also felt that a smaller firm could better empathize with the challenges that Landscape Plus had faced, and felt that, with MoreSALES, “we would be growing the business together.”